Thursday 13 February 2020

Fried Fresh Ravioli

Yes, fried ravioli.....I know it sounds weird but I have made it today and it's very nice and something different.  We had it as a meal, but to be honest it's better to have it as either a starter or when hosting an apero or on a buffet it would catch your eye.

To be honest....I didn't make it up.....fried fresh ravioli??? No way. But since a while I've been following Michael from the US on Inspired by Charm  and I must admit his blog is very inspiring; not only with recipes but also with interior design and he has a very good sense of style; well my style that it.

Well enough of this....So I cooked his recipe of the Fresh Fried Ravioli with home made sauces that are yummy too!

I will link you to his recipe here Fried Ravioli and I have made his suggested sauces too which are in the link as well.

Some 'remarks'  ..... just because we're not American ;-)

- In the fresh ravioli packet (we had the beef one) were 23 ravioli (yes I counted them)
- In the recipe I have used half of the ingredients (you might get away with 2 eggs)
- When you see 'half and half' in the's meant to add milk and cream to the eggs, but I did just some milk.
-Don't worry about the different types of flour/breadcrumbs ..... I used the ones I had in the cupboard.

A must!

- Make your own pesto sauce/tapenade
- The ranche sauce is really nice; and I didn't have sour cream but I used creme fraiche in stead.

Let me know when you have made it!

In the meantime follow Michael on Inspired by Charm (link on top)

And finally....yes, we're there.... some of my photos!
Pesto sauce/tapenade

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